The Plan Impact Report tracks the impact of College Kickstart on your students' college plans in four ways, including:
- How can I view the previous year’s data?
- On the top left, select the year you desire to view. By default, it is set to show the most current year.
- Can I export the data into Excel?
- Yes. On the top left, select “Excel”. The document will download to your computer. You can then open the Excel document and format it as needed.
- Can I view or print the document via PDF?
- Yes. On the top left, select “PDF”. The document will download to your computer. You can then open the PDF document and view or print it at your leisure.
This section highlights findings gathered from the current calendar year and the previous calendar year. This includes a high-level statistical breakdown of provisioned student accounts, student-powered accounts, counselor-powered accounts, active accounts, and engagement rates. As a result, this data can be useful in understanding total plan iterations, average plan iterations per student, active accounts within the month, as well as plan interactions within the month.
- Intended Uses:
- Help counselors understand student engagement and how actively a student is using College Kickstart.
- Get a bird’s eye view of student engagement, and month over month trends for current and previous years.
This section highlights findings gathered from the current calendar year and the previous year. This includes a high-level statistical breakdown of initial list needing improvement, an initial list too aggressive, average initial list grade, average latest list grade, initial list B- or better, latest list B- or better, average initial list size, and average latest list size. As a result, this data can be useful in understanding how the balance of schools on a student’s list changes over time.
- Intended Uses:
- Provide insight into understanding the statistical impact of the mix of schools on a student’s list.
- Help counselors understand how the number of unlikelies, reaches, targets, and likelies impacts the list quality.
- Get a bird’s eye view of list quality and, month over month trends for current and previous year.
NOTE: When viewing the PDF, the output will not indicate the breakdown for letter grades for the following sections: “Initial lists B- or better (%)” and the “latest lists B- or better (%).” |
This section highlights findings gathered from the current calendar year and the previous calendar year. This includes a high-level statistical breakdown of plans with early opportunities identified, average early opportunities identified, and average early admission boost. As a result, this data can be useful in understanding the early admission statistics and how planning early may create opportunities for students.
- Intended Uses:
- Help counselors understand how many early admissions opportunities College Kickstart helps to identify for students.
- Get a bird’s eye view of early admission, and month over month trends for current and previous year.
This section highlights findings gathered from the current calendar year, and the previous calendar year. This includes a high-level statistical breakdown of plans with the potential to minimize wasted motion, average applications potentially avoided, and average application fees potentially avoided. As a result, this data can be useful in understanding the wasted motion statistics, and how to prioritize your applications to minimize wasted effort.
- Intended Uses:
- Help counselors understand the statistical aspect of wasted motion and build a sensible college plan resulting in minimizing both the number of applications submitted and the amount of fees paid
- Get a bird’s eye view of wasted motion, and month over month trends for current and previous year.