Percent With Need Receiving Aid: This is the percentage of undergraduates with demonstrated financial need that received financial aid from this institution. The higher this percentage, the better.
Percent of Need Met: This is the percentage of demonstrated financial need that was actually met by the school. The higher this percentage, the better.
Need-blind Admissions Policy: This indicates our best understanding of whether the institution practices need-blind admissions. Note: Many schools may be need-blind for domestic students but not international students, or for applicants admitted through regular decision but not those put on the waitlist.
Average Financial Aid Package: This is the average financial aid package received across all undergraduates during the year. The financial aid package consists of scholarships, grants, self-help, and loans.
Percent of Need Met from Grants: This is the percentage of the financial aid package that comes from grants (aka free money). The higher this number, the better.
Net Cost: This is the total cost of attendance less scholarship and grants. Use this number to compare the cost of education between institutions. You will be able to see the net cost for residents (R) and non-residents (NR)
Indebtedness: This is the average debt at graduation for anyone who has taken out a loan.