The Ultra Selective Override feature allows you to set an admit rate threshold so that all schools with an overall admit rate at or below that threshold will automatically be categorized as unlikelies, regardless of academic performance. This feature can be enabled for your practice upon request to Once the feature is enabled, just rerun your students' plans to start using the threshold.
How Ultra Selective Schools are Visible in College Kickstart
Within College Kickstart, ultra-selective schools will be notated with a “U” superscript (“MITU”) and have a tooltip tied to it:
The Details Tab will also provide additional commentary:
If you have a 10+ student subscription, the notation will also be visible in Personalized Plan PDFs you generate:
An Adjustment is Required to Take Advantage of Early Opportunities
Don’t forget that all unlikely schools automatically default to Regular Decision in College Kickstart, so if you have a strong student applying to an ultra-selective institution, you’ll need to make a counselor adjustment to switch the school from an unlikely to a reach.
How to enable or update Ultra Selective Override
If you are interested in enabling the Ultra Selective Override for your practice, please contact Make sure to include your name, email for your account, and the admit rate you would like to set as your threshold.
If you would like to disable the feature or update your threshold value, please contact Make sure to include your name, email for your account, and how you would like us to update the override for your practice.