A new release of College Kickstart is now available!
- More schools. This release adds Kent State, Gannon, Westminster - PA, Old Dominion, East Carolina, Radford, Flagler and Nova Southeastern to our coverage universe. Since January, we've added nearly 40 regional schools across the nation based on your feedback, bringing the total number of institutions we cover to over 550. See our complete list.
- More departments. We've also enhanced or introduced departmental data for Cal State Channel Islands, Cooper Union, UCLA and the University of Illinois - Chicago. We're now at nearly 50 schools with data spanning 300+ departments.
- Fresh data. We continue to update our admissions data throughout the year as schools report results. Over 90 percent of the schools we cover now reflect either Class of 2022 or Class of 2023 results.
- [High School Counselors Version] International university support (requires local context). Because universities outside of the U.S. do not follow U.S. admissions reporting conventions, we've typically been unable to cover schools like St. Andrews, McGill, UBC and UToronto in College Kickstart. Knowing that many of you do send students each year to these schools, we've come up with a way to bring them into College Kickstart in cases where you have sufficient historical admissions data to do so. To activate an international school, simply go to the local context workbench, select the appropriate profile and publish.
As part of this update, we added additional international schools. We currently support these universities:
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
McGill University
Queen's University
University of British Columbia - Vancouver
University of Cambridge
University of Hong Kong
University of Oxford
University of St Andrews
University of Toronto
University of Waterloo
As always, remember that admission requirements and deadlines will be updated over the summer once the institutions we cover finalize this information for fall applicants. Once the application season field changes from 2018-19 to 2019-20 in the Application Requirements view, you'll be set to go.