These reports enable you to view all the adjustments made to student plans. Currently, College Kickstart has four Adjustment reports:
In each report, counselors have the option to export data into an excel sheet or a PDF file with the buttons on the top left.
Adjustment Rate
The report enables the counselor to view the number of adjustments made per year and provides a percentage based on the number of students.
Adjustments by College
The Adjustment by College enables counselors to view the number of adjustments made depending on the school in which the students will be or are attending.
In the example above, for the year 2019, there was one student who applied to “Abilene Christian University” and for some reason the counselor made adjustments. Counselors will also be able to view the percentage of the number of adjustments made to that particular year and school.
Adjustments by Reason
The Adjustments by Reason report enables counselors to view the reason for which the adjustment was made. The report can be set up to see Application Type, Category, Counselor, List positions, Original Category, and Reason.
Adjustment Detail
The Adjustment Detail report combines all the previous reports into a big table. This includes a high-level statistical breakdown of Colleges, classes, Reasons, categories, counselors, Students, scores, ranks, application types and List positions. Counselors can also change the order of the columns by dragging the column. Counselors can also remove or add certain fields by clicking on the COLUMN VISIBILITY button.