By default, College Kickstart compares students to national statistics. In some cases, high schools may prefer to use their local statistics, which more accurately reflect the circumstances by which their students apply to colleges. This article will review the following:
Local Context can be accessed through the ADMIN > LOCAL CONTEXT button.
NOTE: For instructions on uploading local context , please view: How do I import data for local context analysis? |
The Local Context can only be displayed for the colleges to which at least five of the high school's students have applied and have been accepted.
1. How to read the Local Context table
From the local context workbench, this is the default view that you will see:
- Institution
- This column will display the school name, how selective it is, and a place for the counselor to add any notes if the context used was modified.
- To modify the context to use, click on the small wand icon next to the name to launch the HELPER WIZARD
- Clicking the VIEW DETAILS opens the SCATTERGRAM where counselors can view all the applications in a table and graph for better analysis.
- Published Profile
- This displays what College Kickstart will use when a student runs their plan. The National Enrolled profile is the default profile and will stay in effect if another setting is not chosen and published.
- National Enrolled
- This displays statistical information on the enrolled students at that college. The admit rate is for the regular decision application. By default, College Kickstart uses the national statistics when a plan is run. It will have a green margin.
- Local Enrolled
- This displays the statistical information of all the students from your high school who have enrolled in that institution.
- Local Admitted
- This displays the statistics of all the students from your high school who have been accepted into that institution but not necessarily enrolled in that institution.
- Local Unhooked
- This displays the statistics of all the students who have been accepted in that institution and did not have a hook. A hook may be talent or characteristic that makes a student more attractive to an institution and enables them to be accepted, such as a recruited athlete or a legacy student.
- Local Regular
- This displays the statistics of all the students from your high school who applied for regular decisions and have been accepted at that institution.
- Custom
- This displays a custom profile that a counselor can create if the previous 4 options do not apply. Counselors can create or combine statistics to create a new custom statistic. For example, a custom profile can use SAT and ACT test scores from the national profile but use the GPA of the LOCAL ADMITTED profile.
Detailed Information
For each of the national or local profiles, the following information will be displayed
- In each cell, the counselor will see the class, the number of students that applied, the number of students accepted, and the number of students enrolled.
- In the example above, for the classes of 2015 to 2019, 15 students applied to the school, 12 students got accepted, and 6 students enrolled.
- Each cell also displays the percentage of students that were admitted out of those that applied, and categorizes the school as either UNLIKELY (U), REACH (R), TARGET (T), or LIKELY (L) in color-coded boxes divided by academic performance.
- Notice how for this particular high school, approximately 80% of those who applied were accepted, compared to only 19% of students based on national statistics. For the nation, that college would be either UNLIKELY or REACH for a student. However, for a student at this high school, the college would be considered a TARGET or LIKELY.
- In the table at the bottom of the cell, the counselor may review the top and lower-tier scores from the students that have enrolled in that college.
2. Setting your Local Context
A. Using the Helper Wizard
When the wizard is clicked, a window will appear above the school which enables the counselor to easily customize the context.
NOTE: The information shown will only be in regards to that particular school. If another school is selected, the suggestion will pertain to that school. |
- The counselor may adjust the selectivity of the school depending on the school's criteria. It can be modified to UNLIKELY, REACHED, LIKELY, or TARGET.
- Each time it is modified, the AVAILABLE OPTION will be modified, so the counselor may have a better option on which data to use.
- School counselors may select the best option to use. In the example above, the counselor has the option to use the NATIONAL statistics or create a custom one. In most cases, the counselor will be able to select either LOCAL ENROLLED, ENROLL ADMITTED or LOCAL UNHOOKED.
- Each time the school counselor changes the option, the result will be displayed here to review. On the right, the counselor will be shown some explanation of how the result came to be.
B. Enabling Particular Statistics to use
The counselor may enable any cell by toggling the switch that is located on the top right of each cell. Once enabled, that cell will change to an orange border.
C. Creating Custom Data
The counselor may create custom data to use. The custom field is enabled by clicking on the switch on the top right. The counselor may also enter the percentage that feels appropriate for the school.
3. Publish Changes
Each modification that was made will be marked in ORANGE. In order for College Kickstart to start using the data, the counselor needs to click PUBLISH CHANGES.
The profiles in the PUBLISHED PROFILE column in the Workbench will reflect the new data that will be used for running students' plans.
NOTE: Any student plans that include schools that were updated in Local Context must be re-run for the students' schools to be re-categorized with new data published in Local Context. |