If your school has student outcome data in more than one SOR (source of record i.e. Cialfo, MAIA Learning, Naviance, SCOIR), College Kickstart still requires a single CSV file for uploading outcomes in Local Context and Reports. The CSV file must include the following columns:
- Class
- Student Name or ID
- College
- GPA or WGPA (both if your high school is configured to use both GPA types)
- High SAT 1600
- High ACT
- Type
- Result
- WL
- Defer
- Attending
Please contact your Relationship Manager and our support team at support@collegekickstart.com for assistance. We will recommend a template file to follow and provide any assistance if you have any questions or issues.
If you have any questions on how to export data from your SOR, please check this article on how to export outcomes for SOR's we currently support: Exporting Reports from CIALFO, MAIA LEARNING, NAVIANCE, or SCOIR for use in College Kickstart