Login to your account, and in the Counselor Dashboard, find the blue button labeled "UPGRADE".
You should see a list of all current and past subscriptions that you've purchased so far. Locate your current active subscription, which is indicated by a green badge labeled 'ACTIVE' in the top right of the subscription.
Click the button labeled "Upgrade" in the active plan. This will open the upgrade panel where you can select the plan you wish to upgrade to.
Click on the dropdown labeled " -- select new plan--" and pick the plan you wish to upgrade to. After picking a plan, click the blue button labeled "Upgrade Now".
NOTE: This panel displays the cost of the upgrade before any discounts are applied. If you have a renewal discount or used a discount code when signing up, it will be calculated on the next page before you proceed with your payment. College Kickstart does not save payment information, and you will not make any payments until after you enter and submit your payment information. |
The next page will show the final breakdown with the total cost of the plan, credits applied, and the final amount you will pay for the upgrade.
Renewal discounts or coupon codes applied on the current subscription will be automatically applied. Please note that it may take a few seconds for the discount to apply.
NOTE: Multiple discounts cannot be stacked. Please avoid clicking the Apply button if you already have a discount for your plan. |
Your current subscription and any discounts will be applied as credit. The total credit value is displayed next to "Credit Applied".
The "Amount Payable" will be the total amount you will be charged for the upgrade. It should be the difference between the original price of the new plan and the total credit applied.
Verify the "Amount Payable" and click the blue button near the bottom right labeled "Check Out" to proceed to payment information.
Enter your payment information, check the box to agree to terms of service, and click the blue button labeled "Complete Payment" to complete your purchase.
In the event the payment is declined, double-check that you entered all information accurately, and check your email to see if your credit card company needs verification.
After completing your payment, you should be redirected back to our application.