Currently, College Kickstart supports uploading CSV exports from the following Sources of Records:
If your school is currently configured to use Rigor or Rank in College Kickstart, some changes may be necessary in your file. Please review the Rigor and Rank section for instructions on how to add Rigor or Rank to your outcomes.
If your school is not configured to use Rigor or Rank, you should not need to edit the exported CSV file.
No matter the reason, if you made any changes in your CSV file, make sure to save the file as a CSV (UTF-8), following this article: How do I export a file as a CSV in UTF-8?
NOTE: The structure of CSV files exported from our systems of supported vendors may change over time. College Kickstart makes a best effort to support the latest version of each file. If your vendor modified their export process recently and you are unable to upload your file, please contact your Relationship Manager and Please include the CSV file, a description of any changes you made to the file, and screenshots of the error to help our team diagnose the issue efficiently. |
Open the Reports section from the left menu of your account, and then select "Reports Classic".
On the "APPLICATIONS BY COLLEGE" report, select the years and click the RUN button. When the report is ready to download, the DOWNLOAD button will be enabled and you will be able to download the file.
The report will contain the following required fields:
- Class Year
- Cialfo User ID
- College Name
- Unweighted GPA 4.0 or Weighted GPA 5.0
- High SAT 1600
- High ACT
- Application Round
- Result
MAIA Reports can be opened from the COUNSELOR VIEW -> REPORTS -> COLLEGE APPS.
In College Apps, select the APPLICATION STATISTICS -> APPLICATION BY COLLEGE report. For best results, we recommend at least three years of data. To create the report, click on the RUN REPORT button.
Once finished filtering your data, you can save a copy for offline use by clicking CSV.
The report will contain the following fields:
- Class
- AP / Honors
- High SAT CR
- High SAT M
- High SAT WR
- High SAT 1600
- High SAT 2400
- High ACT
- Type
- Result
- Attend
- Flags
Please note that the outcome report for Naviance may have moved to a new location. The report is now located in the Students section instead of the Reports section.
Navigate to Students and select Apps by College. Select the report filters and click Prepare. Select the "Excel CSV" option to download the report.
The report will have the following required fields:
- Class
- Student
- College
- High SAT 1600
- High ACT
- Type
- Result
- WL
- Defer
- Attending
To access SCOIR's reporting tools, go to the REPORTS tab in the main menu and run the APPLICATION AND OUTCOMES report.
Click the FILTERS button on the left hand side of the browser and select the class range you would like to include in your reports.
Once you’re finished selecting the class range, click Apply. To export the csv file, click Download CSV above the table on the right.
The report will contain the following required fields:
- Class Year
- Student_ID_HS
- College Name
- GPA or GPA W
- Application Type
- Deferred
- Waitlist
- Application Outcome
- Enrolling*
*Note: CSV exports from SCOIR currently export an additional column called 'Enrolling'. CSV exports from before 2023 do not have the additional 'Enrolling' column and indicate enrollment in the 'Application Outcome' column. The upload wizards will accept both CSV file schemas. However, we do not recommend uploading a file that was created by combining an old CSV file with a current CSV file.
Adding Rigor or Rank to Your CSV
NOTE: If you are interested in using Rigor or Rank, but your high school is not configured to use Rigor or Rank, please reach out to your Relationship Manager for a discussion and any questions. Please note that Rigor is only available for high schools. |
If your high school is currently configured to use Rigor or Rank in the student academic profile and Local Context, or in reports, you may have to update your CSV file to include an additional column.
Adding Rigor
After exporting your CSV file, open the file in your preferred application. Follow the steps below depending on the type of Rigor your school is configured to use. If you are uncertain which type you are using, please contact your Relationship Manager.
Advanced Course Count
Some files, such as CSV exports from Naviance and Maia Learning, may already have an "AP/Honors" column by default. If your advanced course counts are already recorded in this column, and it follows the requirements listed below, then no changes are needed in your file. Otherwise, you may need to add an additional column.
Find the first empty column that has no header and no values. Please do not leave add empty columns between columns with headers and data.
NOTE: In the example above, even though the "Flags" column for example looks empty, it is not an empty column. There may be values further down the file, or there may be no values at all. However, since the column is still titled with a header, it is not an empty column. Please do not delete columns even if they only have a header and no data. |
This is where you will add your Rigor column. Requirements for the Advanced Course Count column:
- Column header may be labeled as "AP/Honors" or "Rigor". Please only include one column in your CSV file. If your file did not have an "AP/Honors" column by default, we recommend using "Rigor".
- Rigor values can range from 0 to the maximum number of advanced courses students can take by the end of their senior year. The maximum number is based on your school's configuration.
- We do not support decimal Rigor values. Rows with decimal values will be accepted, but they will be rounded to the nearest whole number during the upload.
- Any row that has a blank or non numeric Rigor value in will be excluded during the upload.
- The Rigor column must be at least 80% complete. If the column is not sufficiently filled, the upload will reject your file and request to complete the column before reuploading.
After adding the new column, make sure to save your file and read through our tips for saving below before uploading your file.
Rigor Index 1-5
Find the first empty column that has no header and no values. Please do not leave any empty columns between columns with headers and data.
NOTE: In the example above, even though the "Flags" column for example looks empty, it is not an empty column. There may be values further down the file, or there may be no values at all. However, since the column is still titled with a header, it is not an empty column. Please do not delete columns even if they only have a header and no data. |
This is where you will add your Rigor column. Requirements for the Rigor Index 1-5 column:
- Column header must be labeled as "Rigor". Columns named "AP/Honors" will not be accepted for this type of Rigor.
- Rigor values can range from 1-5: 1 being the least rigorous course load, and 5 being the most rigorous course load. Unfortunately this scale cannot be flipped.
- Each row must have a positive integer value between 1-5 in the Rigor column.
- We do not support decimal Rigor values. Rows with decimal values will be accepted, but they will be rounded to the nearest whole number during the upload.
- Any row that has a 0, blank, or non numeric Rigor value will be excluded during the upload.
- The Rigor column must be at least 80% complete. If the column is not sufficiently filled, the upload will reject your file and request to complete the column before reuploading.
After adding the new column, make sure to save your file and read through our tips for saving below before uploading your file.
Adding Rank
After exporting your CSV file, open the file in your preferred application, and find the first empty column that has no header and no values. Please do not leave any empty columns between columns with headers and data.
NOTE: In the example above, even though the "Flags" column for example looks empty, it is not an empty column. There may be values further down the file, or there may be no values at all. However, since the column is still titled with a header, it is not an empty column. Please do not delete columns even if they only have a header and no data. |
This is where you will add your Rank column. Requirements for the Rank column:
- Column header must be labeled as "Rank".
- Rank values can range from 1-100: 1 being the top percentile of the class, and 100 being the bottom percentile of the class. Unfortunately this scale cannot be flipped.
- Each row must have a positive integer value in the Rank column.
- Rows with decimal values will be accepted, but they will be rounded to the nearest whole number during the upload.
- Any row that has a 0, blank, or non numeric value in Rank will be excluded during the upload.
After Adding Rigor or Rank
After finishing your changes, please ensure the following points to avoid issues during upload:
- You only added no more than one column for Rank or Rigor.
- There are no columns with data and without headers.
- There are no empty columns (columns with no header nor values) in between columns with headers and data.
Please make sure to save the file as a CSV (UTF-8) before uploading outcomes for Reports or Local Context. Instructions on how to export a CSV file can be found here: How do I export a file as a CSV in UTF-8?
If you have any issues while uploading your file or have any questions, please contact your Relationship Manager and Support. Please include your updated CSV, the original CSV that was exported from your vendor (if possible), a description of the changes you made, and any screenshots of errors during the upload. This will help our team identify issues efficiently and assist you quickly.