Depending on your plan, students will be able to view up to four reports using the dropdown on the top right of the Plan Highlights page:
NOTE: If you received access to College Kickstart through your college advisor, you will have access to all 4 reports. |
- SUMMARY - Quickly review the student's plan and see what wave the applications should be submitted, the due date, as well as the cost of the application.
- REQUIREMENTS - Enables the student to review the requirements for each University/College. It helps the student prepare when applying to the school.
Availability: For PLUS and PREMIUM plans |
- NEED-BASED AID - A summary of the statistics for schools which provide Need-Base Aid.
Availability: For PREMIUM plans |
- MERIT-BASED AID - A summary of the statistics for school which give Merit-Base Aid.
Availability: For PREMIUM plans |